18 March 2010

A second chance

This evening I had an argument with a certain professor who is supervising my thesis. Now that can't be good.

I don't know why I risked engaging myself in such a dangerous situation. It could be due to the hot weather that burns down my throat or perhaps a poor sod flapped its wing in Buenos Aires. I suspect it hasn't got anything to do with that expired Mee Sedap 'perasa bawang goreng' with lots of chillies I ate last night either.

No matter what the aetiology was that created my state of volatile emotion which beget this labile action, the consequences could be disastrous to my future employment in this hospital.

I hope I'm not turning back into the man I was many years ago.

I hope I could undone some of my actions in the last few weeks.

I hope the tenant who live on the top floor would stop moving his furniture at 2 in the morning.

I hope for so many things in life now....

... but the one I'm hoping for the most is a second chance from her.


Anonymous said...

For your sake, I hope you didn't ask The Professor if it was a trick question? ;P

Otherwise, yeah.. I would be very disappointed if you are penalised for putting forth your opinions. After all, isn't that part of gaining knowledge? ie the ability to question and be challenged?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you were looking for a punishment.

Wishing it could right your wrong.

Sir Pök Déng said...

My supervisor scolded me off for doing many PCR; financial issues. I wonder if there's a place in this world where everybody was allowed (and even recommended) to make mistakes.

Optimism to the max; make more mistakes and you learned more than others.

I don't want a second chance anymore because there's none of it.
Optimism? Blearghh...

Pill Pusher said...

Andrea: The professor didn't see it coming. Call it an ambush in a broad daylight. My AK-47 was locked and loaded.

Anony: Punishment come in many forms and ways.

SPD: PCR is not as expensive as FISH. And karyotyping.. they have seen their heyday.

zara said...

I doubt in having second chance. There's only ONE chance.

...but I hope you do seize that second chance, if any.

Pill Pusher said...

Zara: You're wrong. Everyone does. But no 3rd chance though.