12 April 2010

Don't wake up just yet

It had been a tiring weekend. Lotsa shopping, walking and eating. After a long hiatus into the dark corner of that angel-forsaken-library, for a moment here & now, I feel like I started to re-live this life to the maximum again.

Maximum in a different way I mean. Like the title of that song album something about '200km/hr in the wrong lane', which I never listen to except for their single (okay so what sue me already).

Even my dream has becoming slightly bizarre. Something about playing chess under a hot sunday afternoon inside an 'authentic' Baba cafe while eating chendol.

Waitafreakinminute. Was that a dream?


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Chess and Chendol? Sounds like a movie title. purrr...meow!

Aisyah Sinclair said...

"Like the title of that song album something about '200km/hr in the wrong lane', which I never listen to except for their single (okay so what sue me already)."



Anonymous said...

You are so funny. Normally people complain about tiring week, not tiring weekend. But I am absolutely chuffed that you are enjoying life again, away from the dark, dunk, musty corners of the library. ugghhhh!

The chendol looks good. Too bad if it's only a dream 'coz chendols like these are the stuff of which dreams are made of.

zara said...

Got any checkmate yet? *wink*

zara said...

ps: Pill pusher?? hehe. I like 'T' more. :-)

*can't sleep. tired tho' but mind keep on thinking this & that. gosh..gimme d pill..! :p

Dottie With Dots said...

its awesome one could snap a picture in one's dream.

The Tea Drinker said...

one heck of an expensive camera... could take pictures of a dream. :p

Pill Pusher said...

CIS: There's only 1 guy who can play me in that movie. Dustin Hoffman.

Aisyah: Bingo! Full points to you.

Andrea: If I'm dreaming, it has to be chendol with mayonaisse on it.

Zara: My opponent is some tough nut to crack. May I suggest zolpidem?

DwD: You should try CANON BS. Powerful stuff ;)

Tea: Ain't that a funny thing my friend.