27 May 2010

Gulp !

I vividly remember my graduation ceremony. The Emeritus Professor Hugh E. Goldman, a man with 50 years of brilliantly colourful clinical practice behind him. The founding father of our medical shoool, stood proudly in front of us, the fresh medical graduate class of 2002 .

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the medical fraternity, every and each one of you who stand before me here today is now a qualified medical doctor."

He took a dramatic pause and stole a quick glance at me who stood at the corner of the front row.

"However, I am sorry to tell you that after your many years of training, we now know that half of what we taught you is wrong...

... The problem is, we do not know which half. Good luck and God bless."


Dottie With Dots said...

Awwkayyy... this is scary. Did they make the mistake onto your batch or every batch they taught? I gotta ask every doc i see if they graduated from your Uni... :P

Cat-from-Sydney said...

Phew! Thank God you're not my vet. Or, did they do that vet school too? har har har *evil thoughts*

Anonymous said...

This was *ALL* that the Good Doc said, right?



BTW, that bloke in the pic.. can you ask him for ...ehem.. the name of his haircare product(s)? A Doc no bald patch? Rare sighting indeed.


Pill Pusher said...

DwD: It happens in all batch, every year & everywhere.

"Sorry did you say you have chest pain.. Go home, don't worry that's perfectly normal"

CIS: "Your cat got scabies. Don't worry she can lick them all clean"

AW: Yun Nam Hair Care product. I've been using them OPS! He has been...

Unknown said...

Excellent advice to prepare you guys for the reality of life! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! It is you! Deja vu.

Pill Pusher said...

MWS: I know and reality bites hard.

Enida: It is like Deja Vu all over again.