01 August 2010

The way things are...

As the future slowly unfolded to me with every passing second, I find that the path is clearer than I could have ever envisioned it before.

Every relationship matures in its own unique way.
Not all romance should ended up as marriage.

Some relationship would be better off evolve into a long lasting friendship which in a way is a happily ever after ending too, considering the benefits it brings to both parties.

I learned that lesson the hard way.
But, it is a life-lesson that I wouldn't trade for anything.

Although the way things are right now, was not the way I wanted it to be.
But it is the way things should be.

It is the right way.


zara said...


Hope you have great days ahead, Dr. T. May you find someone to grow old with, someone to love and be loved in return & may everything falls into its places the way you want it to be.

God bless.

Dottie With Dots said...

We cant always have everything doc. :) But something is better than nothing.

Unknown said...

not all marriage ends up with romance..but sometimes they end up with children..:)

Pill Pusher said...

Zara: Thank you.. God has a great plan for every each and one of us.

DWD: Something is better than nothing, but anything is worse.. AH DARNIT!, i can't find something that rhymes well!

PM: Maybe that was what dottie meant eh?