08 February 2010

Losing it

What a bizarre on-call.

They all knew when to come in at the same time.

Like some kind of a conspiracy from the highest order.

I felt like some punk American GI queueing for that last rescue chopper in Saigon during the final retreat from the Vietcong onslaught.

Shit, if it had gotten any worse than that, I'm sure I could have come up with a song entitled "When all the common diseases present atypically..." YEAH! I could have won the Grammy's next to Jay-Z.

Medically speaking, if the diagnosis of your illness contains the word idiopathic as its prefix (eg. idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy), it means that the disease has an unknown aetiology. Or in simpler term, your doctor doesn't have a freaking clue what causes your disease.

I hope the word idiot was not coin by the same pre-historic Greeks scholars who came up with idiopathic. Then it may as well means that doctors who use the word idiopathic are a bunch of idiots.

Coz that would be absolutely bloody hilarious, and then I'd laugh at myself out loudly till I poop a bloody diarrhoea.

"No Janet... no, I don't mean it has blood in it. I'm pretty sure I don't have ulcerative colitis (yet)."


Cat-from-Sydney said...

Dear Doc T,
"poop a bloody diarrhoea" - can stress do that? When I had that my vet says coz I don't drink enough water. purrr....meow!

Dottie With Dots said...

it has the word 'path' there which i somehow i think it links to pathology and pathos in Greek it means feeling.. all in all = idiots have feelings. Viola!

zackzara said...

Eh! where's the 'new' post? ;-)

Olga said...

"idiopathic" simply means the answer is not known to us yet. so we continue our search.

grace under pressure, tranquility. true test of a gentleman's mettle.

Pill Pusher said...

CIS: Either your feline needs a new vet, or you need to see dr who treats homosapiens ;)

DwD: Agreed. Idiots have feelings. I hope they are not silly feelings. Giddit?

ZZ: Ops. Technical error. It's now published.

Olga: You seem to know what you are saying, but hey DwD disagrees with you on that.