05 September 2009

Controlled Insanity

Some of the guys in my department are marching toward the final weeks of Part 2 exam in Masters of Internal Medicine. Juggling time between your waking hours in the wards, books, and interrupted sleep at home could get a bit tricky. It's nothing compared to your spoon-fed under grad days in medschool.

Now there are kids to take care of, disgruntled spouse who hasn't got laid for few days. Bills to pay, pets to be fed and anything in between. They could easily be spotted like a walking zombie with a facial expression of a patient with toxoplasmosis. On a personal note, I remember walking to the exam theatre for my Part 1 wearing my t-shirt inside out, but that is another story.

Whatever it is guys, don't forget to bring your 2B pencils, an eraser... and yeah zip-up your pants too will ya.


the song is a parody of Billy Joel's 'We didn't start the fire'



Anonymous said...

Good luck in your exams preparations.

I dunno how you guys manage it. It is tiring enough to juggle work and family; but to throw exams into the whole mix is a major effort; particularly when everyday you are dealing with people's life which do not wait for time nor tide to rise or wane.

Kudos! Hats off!

Dottie With Dots said...

2B pencils? MCQ ke?

Anonymous said...

I now know where to look FIRST when I look at some disgruntled doctors. Yay!

No worries. I'll zipper my big mouth up.

Pill Pusher said...

Andrea: Moment like that come into our life whether we want it or not. Stand your ground and sharpen your pencil.

DwD: Yes, MCQ, essays, Q&A dialogue and clinical/practical stuff.

Enida: Watch out for this one. She knows our weakness.

Unknown said...

All the best to you for your grills oops i mean exams :-)