The young man with leukaemia who slept opposite my bed is no longer there this morning, either he has passed on or they have transferred him out to an isolation room sometime late last night.
The old Chinese man in room 1 has definitely moves on to a better place. I made the visual confirmation as I walked passed his room earlier today. Ironically he was pretty much 'alive' and looked well at 12am last night. We exchanged glance and nodded off to each other like any regular Asian gentlemen. He did not exhibit any particular characteristics indicating that he is going to meet his maker (well mine too) anytime soon.
Anyhow, his stiff cold body is now tightly wrapped in a white cloth. You could easily tell which side is up. I am sure rigor mortis had set in for few hours now.
In hospital, your perspectives on life and death are different depending on whether you’re staying as a patient or working as a staff. Your mental and physical fitness offers a different tone to the way you perceive things.
Even though I have seen death so many times before, yet I feel vulnerable this time around. Yes there is a soft glaze of fear in my eyes.
Well, I got to stay in for another few days to complete my antibiotics. Okey I better continue with my work now, I have promised someone that I’ll get busy and get some of that done today.
Hang on in there, Dr. Tranquility...I can imagine how tough it must be for you at this time but I am sure things will blow over soon and that you are well on the road to recovery.
May the Almighty bless and protect you and yours always.
Have a great weekend.
Hey Doc, I've said a little prayer for you :) - that your healing will come quickly and that you'll be back up on your feet sooner than you think.
The brighter side of having a close brush with death is that it makes way for us to look at life completely afresh; adds spring to our steps when we get up each morning and tell ourselves "What a beautiful day; THANK God I'm ALIVE!" Hope this is true for you :) Take care...
Please take care of yourself...
warna pink??? macam paeds punya IV needle aje?? Hehe
I have a poem for you:
An apple a day keeps the doctor away,
but if the doctor is cute, screw the fruit :D
MWS: It was bad, at some point, didn't think I could make it through. One thing kept me afloat. The thought that I won't go away without a proper goodbye to the one I care about.
Pat: Thank you for your pray. It had been a bad ride for me. Thank God it all over now.
Cinta: Thanx buddy.
DwD: The green one lasted only the 1st day. Nice poem. However I prefer an antibiotic than an apple :)
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