Modern medicine does not have the cure to all diseases under the sun. Where mainstream medicine fails or does not work, we will admit it.
I have great respect for complimentary or traditional method of healing. Acupuncture is one them.
My concern lies with traditional drugs which do not go thorough scientific research and stringent regulation in checking their safety for mass consumption. Some of the active ingredients have incredibly high dose it could cause renal failure. One of my nurse developed heart failure secondary from taking traditional weight loss pill.
In contrast, any mainstream drugs that is reported to have 'safety concern' will be recalled even after it has been released to the public.
Having said that a lot of modern drugs are extracted from plants, and they are wonderful! For example, an oral anti-diabetic drug called metformin is extracted from a plant called Galega officinalis.
PS: I got no hidden agenda nor that I have any shares or benefit from any sales of the so called modern drugs. My only interest is your health.
Dr T,
One of Mama's aunts had a heart attack and died - after taking one of those weight loss pills! Mama used to be in forestry research and there are books that she had helped published that talked about the steroid contents of most plant extracts. That's why all traditional medicine producers must get the GMP accreditation from the authorities e.g. Pil Chi Kit Teck Aun. It's good to be informed, right? purrr....meow!
Salam Pill pusher,
We used to have an old Indonesian lady who stayed in shop-house above a clinic.. She was always referred to by the Clinic for cases that need traditional massage. When she was no longer available there.. I asked the reason for her "disappearance",
The answer I got was that she 'somehow' lost control of her bowel movement due to taking too much traditional Indonesian medicines.. which apparently increase her ability to massage many people for longer period of time.
Sulaiman Akhlakhen must have filled himself with great envy towards you, Doc.
"My concern lies with traditional drugs which do not go thorough scientific research and stringent regulation in checking their safety for mass consumption."
That's why I don't go for traditional drugs. I learned Biotech stuffs. One of the subject covers this issue.
I have a problem in digestion.. I think the medical word is constipation.. I need to swallow some traditional pills (made of herbs - that's what being wrote at the bottle..the truth is, I dont really know) in order to 'buang air besar'.. If I dont take the pills, I can go through a week without going to toilet and it cause me no problems (takde pening2, muntah2 dan lain2).. I used to take fiber from pharmacy but it had no effect on me.. My question here dear doc, if I keep on taking the pills, will it affect me in long term?
CIS: i suspect ppl could pay some ppl to get those license.
wan: talk about sacrifice of she made, phew!
SPD: I can sleep well tonight, knowing i did my job
org sesat: it can.. it might... you should stop
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